
Workshops at DME

Department of Mechanical Engineering has well equipped workshops that are helpful in projects of BS, MS and PhD programs as well as workshop practice of all engineering programs of PIEAS. DME has following workshops:

  1. Machine workshop
  2. Wood workshop
  3. Fitting workshop
  4. Smithy workshop
  5. Welding workshop

Course Learning Outcomes

Sr. # CLO Statement Domain Level PLO
1 RECOGNIZE the basic workshop tools their usage. Cognitive 1 1
2 DEVELOP elementary skills for making various simple parts using basic manufacturing tools. Psychomotor 4 1
3 BEHAVE responsibly regarding the safety of oneself and others. Affective 3  8

Rubrics for Evaluation

Sr.No Assessment Criteria Excellent  (4) Good (3) Average (2) Below average  (1) Unsatisfactory (0)
1. Understanding lab equipment usage   (Psychomotor) Successfully selected relevant equipment and/or able to perform the task independently Successfully selects relevant equipment and/or able to perform the task with minimum supervision Successfully selects relevant equipment and/or able to perform the task with moderate supervision Unable to select the equipment and/or unable to complete the task without complete supervision. Unable to use lab equipment.
2. Experimental performance   (Psychomotor) Ensures smooth operation of experiment in a focused manner with confidence and commitment with no error Performs experiment with confidence and commitment but commits minor error Performs experiment with energy but commits much error Performs experiment with little energy, requires continuous supervisions, commits error repeatedly Unable to perform the experiment and/or no involvement in experiment/lab activity and or
3. End product quality   (Psychomotor) Successfully and interdependently completes the job as per requirement and standard  given by instructor with no error Successfully and independently completes the job as per requirement and standard  given by instructor With negligible error completes the job with moderate instruction and negligible error completes the job under continuous  supervision  and considerable error Unable to complete the job despite of continuous instructions.
4. Safety Rules   (Affective) Respectfully and carefully observes safety rules and standard procedure in an independent manner and instructs group members  for  work safety Observes safety rules and standard procedure with minimum instructions and instructs group members  for  work safety Observes safety rules and standard procedure with moderate instructions. Low emphasis on group fellows for adopting safety norms and standard procedures   Observes safety rules and standard procedure under repeated instructions And no consideration for group safety Disregards safety rules and standard procedures
5. Teamwork   (Affective) Cooperates with group members in an highly effective manner   Cooperates with group members in a reasonable manner Cooperates with group members but level of cooperation is very low.   Cooperates with group members but also creates distractions and discourages the group members some times.   No cooperation with group members, creates much distraction no care self and group safety